Tuesday, September 13, 2011

2 years old!!

Norah Jane, you are two!!! We had a wonderful week of celebration last week, starting off in Columbus and ending here in the Chicago suburbs. The Sunday before your birthday, we had a celebration with Ama and Poppy. You had a brownie cake and were spoiled with presents. You love puzzles as of late, so we got you some of those and a couple neat learning-oriented toys. It was fun to see you open your presents because this is the first holiday you've really understood that these toys are yours. It was sweet.

We also went on a walk. You love to pull Ama and Poppy's green wagon. You can walk quite far with it actually.

Then we had a party for you in Chicago on Saturday. Once again, we had a huge cake, some yummy food and great friends. The highlight for you was probably the bubble blowing. We've been blowing bubbles, everyday since.

Happy Birthday Norah! You have become an even brighter light in our lives over the last year. You are still a little mini (32.5" and 23lb 8 oz) but your heart is so big. You love to laugh with us (often mimicking our laughter, even when you don't know what's going on). You love to sing your ABC's, I'm A Child of God, Twinkle Twinkle and any other song you make up. On Sunday you sat at the piano playing and singing, it was so sweet. You love to tell us the name of everything you see and you think that the moon belongs to Opa because you call it the Opa moon. I think he'd like that. You love your cousins and call them by name. You LOVE to run. Wherever we are, you say "Run, Mama!" I love when you say "Hold you" and when you give me loves. I love that you push my bangs out of my eyes and pat my back. I love that you have a strong personality that is well-rounded with an immense amount of love for people. You make my life better. Thank you for giving me something wonderful to look forward to, everyday. I love you Norah Jane.


Unknown said...

what? she's 2 already? How is that possible?!?!

love the post. Norah is so beautiful. and I love that she pushes your bangs out of your eyes.

miss you guys tons. I'm so sad we weren't in Columbus for your visit!

linzi said...

The party looks like it was so much fun! What a fun little momma you are. Norah is beautiful. She looks so big. I wish I could hug her and hear her sing. I bet she sings like an angel, just like you. Love you guys!

Heidi said...

Yeah, wow. It's so hard to believe she's two. You look SO good in the picture where you're holding her. You're such a cute mommy. I met a Margo Smith (who served in Frankfurt and remembers you) and she couldn't believe you married Brian because she's in the Hayden Run ward. Funny stuff. She had such fond memories of your parents. We miss you guys!

heather said...

Emily - that picture of you holding her completely took my breath away. What a beautiful photograph! Oh it captures your love so well. Melts my heart! I can't believe that she's two already. Seeing those cake pictures just reminded me of taking the pictures at her 1 year birthday ... and made me miss you all over again. Happy Birthday sweet Norah Jane! Love you!

Brant said...

What a cute 2 year old! Crazy how fast time seems to fly and how much things change. So excited for your baby #2!


WHAT YOURE HAVING A BOY?!!! ahhh that is so exciting!!! Your belly looks darling and so does that little chick. Norah is a gem strange that she is 2 it feels like she was just born. xoxox

Anonymous said...

I can't believe Norah is two. And you're having a boy! Copycats! jk. I'm so excited for you. Your blog is always so uplifting and inspiring to me.

I'm not blogging at my mattandmin blog anymore. So, visit me at {www.thesimpleandbeautifullife.blogspot.com}

Kate said...

wow emma jane! she is growing up! hope you are loving your new home:)